Nicky Boy Charters is glad to offer fishermen some salmon trolling tips on Lake Michigan.
Lake Michigan’s weather conditions change often, and it’s important to know how weather affects trolling. If you’re looking at a clear, blue sky after a low pressure front, you’re going to need to work smaller spoons, lures or baits at slow speeds, fishing near the bottom of the lake.
Downrigging involves a line with a weight on one end, with a release to hold a lure at a given depth. The other end consists of a spool/wheel holding the wire and raising/lowering the weight. Both manual and electric downriggers come in handy when trolling the bottom for salmon in Lake Michigan.
During days of steady barometric pressure with overcast conditions, troll for fish near shore and don’t be afraid to use big baits with swift, erratic actions.
One of the best salmon trolling tips on Lake Michigan is to use a GPS for fishing. That way you can mark good fishing spots you find for future reference. And, of course, a GPS aids in telling you exactly where you are located at all times.
When trolling before sunrise, try setting up your fishing lines with glow-in-the-dark lures. Later in the day you can use silver or gold lines–the standard for years–or try red fishing line, which seems to have gained in popularity in recent times.
If you’re not too sure about trolling for fish, don’t worry– the captains and crew at Nicky Boy Charters are experts at it and can help guide you to fishing success. Indeed, if you’re looking for salmon trolling tips on Lake Michigan, book a fishing package with Nicky Boy Charters so you’ll be privy to their knowledge.
Email [email protected] to set up your fishing trip on Lake Michigan. With locations in Waukegan, IL, and Port Washington, WI, Nicky Boy Charters is a short drive from Chicago, Dubuque, Milwaukee and The Twin Cities.